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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 20-23, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

May 20-23 1792

Sunday 20th Moderate Breeze and fair weather – Wind Variable from NNE to ENE – at Times squally off the Land – Strong Breeze from the Eastward in the Offing all these 24 Hours (a common circumstance) – PM People employed washing and mending cloaths – Punished the Indian with 36 Lashes and returned him into Confinement – at 4 Received water per Small Cutter – Cleaned below – Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions – Captain Bligh read the Morning Service to the Ships Company – Served fresh Pork Bread fruit &c – and received a moderate Supply – At Noon fresh Breezes and cloudy with Squalls from the Land wind Easterly – A Party on shore on leave this day as usual

Monday 21st A Fresh Breeze with Squalls from the Land & cloudy – very [high?] Surf on the Beach – Wind Fresh in the Offing – AM Strong Breezes – Struck the Fore yard and overhauled the rigging – Sent the Sailmakers on shore to the Tent with the fore Topsail, received nine puncheons and 1 Barrel from the Tent Served fresh Pork bread fruit &c and received a moderate supply of fruit but no Pigs – Carpenters employed about the Launch – released the Indian

Tuesday 22d The First part a moderate breeze and fair weather middle part light airs and calm with clouds latter part moderate breezes and fair weather – a Fresh breeze from the Eastward all these 24 Hours in the Offing – PM [?] up the Fore Yard – Struck the Main Yard and overhauled the rigging – received water per Small Cutter – cleaned below – Sailmakers at the Tent – Carpenters working at the plants House abaft and Launch – Received a plentifull supply of bread fruit but few Pigs

Wednesday 23d First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part Light Airs & calms with cloudy weather small Rain at times – latter part moderate breeze and hazy with showers of rain A Moderate breeze from the Eastward all these 24 hours in the Offing – PM Sayed up the Main Yard – aM Sent the Small Cutter to Oparre for provisions & the Large Cutter with a party to haul Seine – Sent down the Main Top Gallant Mast and Struck the Topmast to fix new Trestle Trees – Sailmakers employed repairing The Fore Top Sail – The Party returned with 40 pounds of fish served it to part of the Ships Company and Pork to the rest – received a moderate Supply of bread fruit Cocoa Nutts &c &c

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