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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 20-24, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

April 20-24 1792

Friday 20 Moderate breeze and cloudy weather with light drops of rain – sent the Observatory and 65 Garden Pots on shore to the Tent – at 4 handed Sails – Received Water per Launch – Cleared Hawse – at 8 a moderate breeze and fair weather – at 4 AM Light breezes & clear – sent 147 Garden pots on shore by the Launch – Washed below – loosed Sails to dry – Received a moderate supply of Pigs &c – Served Fresh Pork bread fruit &c – Carpenters employed caulking the sides

Saturday 21 Moderate breezes and fine weather – furled the Top sails – Unbent the Foresail and Mizen Staysails at 6 Cleared Hawse – AM Light breezes and cloudy at 4 Clear weather – Received a turn of water per Launch – Carpenter employed caulking the Sides – Cleaned below – Unbent the [Main/Mizen] Topsail – Received a moderate supply of Pigs Bread fruit &c – At Noon fresh breezes and fair weather with a high surf on the Beach and Rip breakers on the Rees – People washing and mending their Cloaths

Sunday 22d Fresh Breezes and clear weather – The People employed washing and mending their Cloaths – A High Sea breaking on the Dolphin Bank – at 8 a moderate breeze heavy swell from the Northward – at 8 AM Calm and fine weather – sent 200 Garden Pots on shore and received Water per Launch – Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions after which Captain Bligh read prayers to the Ships Company Served fresh Pork &c as usual received a moderate Supply – at Noon fresh breezes and clear weather

Monday 23d Fresh Breezes and fair weather – at 8 Moderate & cloudy AM Light breezes and fair weather – Roused up the Best Bower Cable and cleaned the Tier; payed it down again – Sent 133 Garden Pots on shore per Launch – Served Fresh Pork Bread fruit &c – & received a plentiful supply of fruit, but few pigs – Carpenters employed caulking the Sides, at Noon fresh breezes and fair weather

Tuesday 24th Moderate breezes and fair weather – Sent 96 Garden Pots on shore – AM Dark cloudy weather – at 4 moderate and fair weather – Sent 2 Hogsheads 2 Puncheons & 3 Hencoops on shore and received water per Launch. Got the Spare Anchor out of the Main Hold, Carpenters employed caulking the Sides & making Rafters for a Green house – Served fresh Pork, Bread fruit &c to the Ships Company & received a moderate supply at Noon moderate breezes and fair weather – received 2 Hogsheads from the Tent 3

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