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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 7, 1792

[Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards] Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land 1792

Saturday January 7th 1792

 1 pm: Moderate and hazy weather

 5 pm: Exercised the Boats Crews with small Arms

 7 pm: Moderate breeze and hazy weather – Saw Albatrosses Mother Careys Chickens, Sheerwaters of different kinds and Silver birds

12 mid: Fresh Breeze and cloudy, dark to the SW Quarter

 1 am: Squally with small Rain

 2 am: In 2d Reefs of the Topsails

 4 am: Fresh Gale and cloudy – in 3d Reef Fore Topsail and set the Main Sail

 6 am: In 3d Reef Main Top Sail and handed Mizen Top Sail

 8 am: [?] Reefed the Topsails and got down Top Gallant Yards

10 am: Shipped a Sea and stove in the Larboard Quarter Galley Window – cleaned below and got up the wet cloaths to dry

12 noon: Fresh Gale and fair weather – Latitude Observed 37°..52′ South

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 8, 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and cloudy with a heavy Sea

 3 pm: Saw Sheerwaters of different kinds, Albatrosses and Silver Birds

 6 pm: More moderate – up Mizen Top Sail and out 4th Reefs Main & Fore

 9 pm: Moderate and cloudy

10 pm: Out 2d Reefs Fore & Main & 1st Mizen Topsail

12 mid: Moderate breeze and cloudy weather – a dew falling

 3 am: Out 3d Reefs Fore & Main Topsails got up the Top Gallant Yards & set the Sails

 8 am: Out 1st Reefs – Served Krout

 9 am: Moderate breeze and fine open weather – the Air cool

10 am: Saw Albatrosses Sheerwaters Mother Careys Chickens and Silver Birds – Cleaned below fore and aft

12 noon: Captain Bligh read prayers to the Ships Company
At Noon the same weather – Latitude Observed 37..30 South

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