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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 25, 1791

[From Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards Adventure] Bay Van Diemens Land 1791

Sunday December 25th

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine clear weather

 4 pm: Saw the Table Land bearing ENE

 5 pm: Set up the Main Top Gallant Rigging

 6 pm: at ½ past 6 the Land near the Cape bore S77°E about 12 Leagues distant – The Lions Head N67°E about 13 Leagues distant – From with [?] fresh [?]

 8 pm: In 1st Reefs of the Topsails

 9 pm: Tacked Ship

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and clear weather with a swell from the Westward

 8 am: Moderate and cloudy weather

10 am: Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions after which Captain Bligh read the Morning Service to the Ships Company

12 noon: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather – The Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 35°..21′ South

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