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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 8, 1791

[Log Book of H M Ship Providence from Spithead towards the [Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Monday August 8th 1791

 1 pm: Light Airs and fair Weather

 2 pm: PM The people employed as the Ships duty required – At 3 The Lizard Light House bore NBE 7 Leagues distant – from which I take my departure allowing it to lie in Latitude 49..57 North Longitude 5°..14′ West

 2 am: Made and shortened sail as occasion required

 4 am: at 5 AM bent the Studding Sails

 5 am: Set the Studding Sails

 8 am: Employed washing between Decks and cleaning the Fore and After Cockpits &c

12 noon: Assistant in her Station
   Latitude Observed 49°,..16′ North

Bearings and Distance of the Lizard to Santa Cruz in ye Island of Teneriffe S21°..27′W Distant 461 Leagues

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