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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 28-Oct 2, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

September 1792

Friday 28  Moderate & fine Open Cloudy Weather PM finished pointing the ends of the Cables & coiled it away again caught 2 Bonettas Made & shortened Sail Occasionally at 6 In Top Gallant sails & 1st reef of the Topsails AM Moderate & hazey at 4 Tried soundings with 60 Fathoms of line no bottom at 5 out reefs & set Top Gallant Sails People Employed working up Junk saw several Gannetts & other birds at Noon Light breezes & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Saturday 29  Fresh breezes & fine Weather PM People employed washing & mending their Cloaths Tried soundings every ½ hour no bottom at 6 In Top Gallant sails & Double reefed the Topsails AM Moderate & Cloudy Tried soundings ever ¼ hour no bottom at 5 our all reefs & set Top Gallant sails & Studding sails Cleaned between decks washed with Vinegar & dried with Fires saw some Gannets & Mother Careys Chickens at Noon Fresh breezes & fine Weather in Studding Sails & hauled our Wind to the Northward in Company with the Providence

Sunday 30  Moderate & Cloudy at ¼ past 1 PM bore up & set Studding Sails Employed as before at ½ past 6 in Studding sails Top Gallant sails & 2nd reef of the Topsails lost a log & One line AM Moderate & fine Weather at 1 hauled our Wind to the Northward & Wore Ship Occasionally per Signal at ¼ past 5 bore up out reefs & set Top Gallant sails & Studding sails Answered the Signal for seeing Land in the NW Quarter & saw the Island of Timor the extreams in sight from WNW to NNE distance off Shore 4 Leagues at 8 the extreams in sight from WbN½N to NEbE distant 4 Leagues at 11 Answered the Signal to come within hail at ¾ past 11 Sounded upon some Coloured water but got no bottom with 30 Fathoms of Line Made the Signal to follow without danger & hove too saw several Flocks of birds of the Gull & other Species at Noon Moderate & hazey the Extreams of Timor in sight from NbE to N45°W distant 4 Leagues & the Island Rotte from N78°W to S68°W distant 6 Leagues in Company with the Providence


Monday 1  Fresh breezes & hazey Weather PM Made & Shortened sail Occasionally at 4 Tacked the extreams of Timor in sight from N43°W to N60°E distant 3 or 4 Leagues AM Light Airs & hazey Wore & Tacked Ship & made & shortened Sails Occasionally at 10 Fresh breezes In Top Gallant sails & close reefed the Topsails at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather In Company with the Providence

Tuesday 2  Light breezes & clear PM Tacked Ship occasionally to weather the SE point of Timor in sight at ½ past 4 came too with the Small bower in 36 Fathoms Muddy sand the extreams of Timor from N68E to S19°W the extreams of another Island from N28°E to S63°W the body of another N40°E AM Light winds & hazey at ¼ past 3 weighed & came to Sail Employed at [? ?] & towing towards the [road?] at 11 the Fort Saluted with 15 Guns Answered ye Signal to prepare to Salute at ½ past 11 Anchored with the Small bower in 17 Fathoms the Providence returned the Forts Salutes & we Saluted with 15 Guns in return to the Fort

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