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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 4-6, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

September 1792

Tuesday 4  Light breezes & fine Weather PM I went on board the Commodore on duty & at ½ past 6 returned on board shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in 38 Fathoms Water over a bottom of fine Black sand in Company with the Providence veered away to a Cable & put a Platt in the Hawse handed Sails at 10 Minutes before 12 Slack water AM Moderate & clear at ½ past 6 weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence under Single reefed Topsails & Courses at 8 the Sandy key bore EbN distant 5 or 6 Miles at 10 saw a Hummock bearing S½E distant 9 or 10 Leagues made the Signal to follow without danger at 11 Answered the Signal for seeing breakers at ½ past 11 made the Signal for decreasing Sounding at Noon Moderate & fine made the Signal for increasing soundings The Islands in the SE the extreames from S23°E to S36°E the Sandy key NWbW 7 or 8 Miles & the highest West distant 6 Leagues In Company with the Providence Soundings this day from 42 to 19 Fathoms Muddy bottom

Wednesday 5  Moderate & clear PM Tacked Ship Occasionally at ½ past 3 shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in 22 fathoms Gray sand & broken Shells in Company with the Providence veered away to ⅓ of a Cable handed Sails & hoisted out the Cutter the Islands in sight bearing as follows the 1st from N52W to S63W distant 6 Leagues the 2nd the body S30°E dist 8 Leagues the body of the 3rd S32E distant 8 Leagues at 10 the Tide set too the WNW 1 Mile per hour AM Moderate breezes & Cloudy put the Ships Company to an allowance of Water 3 Pints per man People variously Employed saw several Canoes to the Westward the Commodores Whaler out & Cutter sounding to the Westward at 11 the Whale boat at [?] [Nine?] the Cutter made some Signal which was Answered & the [Commander?] sent to her at Noon Moderate & Cloudy Weather

Thursday 6  Moderate & fair PM Employed occasionally at 4 the Commodores boats returned AM Moderate & cloudy at ½ past 5 weighed & [?] [?] sail in Company with the Providence Boats sounding [?] at ½ past 9 Anchored in Company with the Providence with the Small bower in 15 Fathoms Water fine Sand & Clay the high Island bearing from N72°E to N54°E Island the 2nd from N35°W to N40°W & a Sand key N33°W 4 Canoes came along side & bartered in a Friendly manner at 11 Weighed per Signal from the Commodore boats a head sounding At Noon Moderate & fine Weather the Providence at Anchor bearing SEbE distant 8 Miles

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