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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 15-18, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Wednesday 15  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Sailmakers Employed repairing the Old Fore Topmast Studding sail got down the Fore Top Gallant yard the Clew of the Sail being broke fixed a new Clew got the yard up & set the Sail at 5 In Top Gallant Sails 2nd reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Moderate & Cloudy out all reefs & set Top Gallant Sails & Made Sails .. Saw 2 Tropic birds Sailmaker Employed as before Carpenter fitting Masts & Sprits to the Boats & People upon the rigging at Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather In Company with the Providence

Thursday 16  Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM Sailmaker mending Sails in 2nd reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail & handed Top Gallant sails AM Moderate & Cloudy at 6 out all reefs & set Top Gallant sails & Studding Sails .. Saw several Tropic birds . Served Sweet Wort to the Ships Company .. Cleaned between decks .. at Noon Light breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather In Company with the Providence

Friday 17  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM People Employed Airing their bedding & Shifting their Hammocks at 5 in 1st reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsails saw a number of Porpoises AM Moderate & Cloudy Saw a Tropic bird, Broached the 3rd Butt of Water in the Ground Tier Opened a Cask of Beef Mark KH No. 1157 Contents 866 Double Pieces .. Served Sweet Wort Sour Krout Cocoa & Sugar to the Ships Company At Noon Fresh breezes in Company with the Providence

Saturday 18  Strong breezes & Cloudy PM Sailmaker mending the Studding Sails at 4 in Studding sails Top Gallant sails 1st reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail at 5 Answered the Signal to come within hail & at [?] spoke the Commodore found our Main Topmast Tressel Trees broke got a good lashing from the Top Gallant mast head to the heel of the Top Gallant mast & secured them AM Moderate & Cloudy Tacked & Wore Ship Occasionally per Signal at 6 set Top Gallant Sails & Studding Sails & our all reefs of the Topsails .. Served Sour krout & Vinegar to the Ships Company .. Carpenter Employed making new Main Topmast Tressel Trees People Washing & Mending their Cloaths, At Noon Moderate breezes & fine pleasant Weather In Company with the Providence

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