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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 7-9, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

April 1792

Saturday 7  All these 24 Hours Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths made & shortened Sail as necessary at 7 In Studding Sails & 1st. reef of the Topsails AM at 5 Out Reefs & set Studding Sails ... Cleaned below .. Saw a Plover bird .. Sailmaker Employed on the Quarter deck Awning & Carpenter painting the Cutter & boarding up the Waist At Noon Fresh breezes & fine Weather Providence NW 1 Cable .. Served Wheat Borecole Portable Soup & Sweet Wort

Sunday 8  Fresh breezes & Fine open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed Repairing a Topmast Studding Sail & the Carpenter as before Middle mo Latter parts Fresh breezes & fine pleasant Weather AM Exercised the Ships Company at Small Arms & fired at a Mark Saw a Tropic & 2 Egg birds Hauled the Best bower Cable on deck to clear away for Water broached the 7th Butt in the Ground Tier at ½ past 10 Saw Osnaburgh Island bearing West about 10 Leagues At Noon Fine pleasant Weather the Island of Osnaburgh West distant 6 Leagues & the Providence NW

At Single Anchor in Matavie Bay Otaheite

Monday 9  Moderate & Cloudy PM at ½ past 1 Light Rain .. Coiled the Best bower Cable below Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Shewed Colours The body of the Island bearing S34 East 3 or 4 Miles at ½ past 4 Several Canoes coming off Hove too Main Topsail to the Mast Some of the Canoes went on board the Commodore with Cocoa Nutts & Bread Fruit a part of which was sent on board us at 6 Bore up the body of the Island bearing E½N distant 3½ Miles Middle parts Fresh breezes & Squally with heavy Rain In 2nd reef of the Topsails at ½ past 5 AM Saw the Island of Otaheite bearing SW distant 6 Leagues Hauled our Wind & let a reef out of each Topsail at 8 Bore up Latter parts Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailing along Shore ... Shewed Colours .. at 11 Made several Tacks & Stood in for Matavie Bay .. surrounded by the Natives in their Canoes at ½ past 11 Shortened Sail & came too with the Best bower in 7 Fathoms Water .. At Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather

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