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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Dec 6-12, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope

December 1791

Tuesday 6  First & Middle parts Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather Employed making Matts & working up Junk Received a turn of Water per Cutter Latter part Moderate & Hazey Employed as before Received on board 23 pounds of Mutton & 18 pounds of Bread ... Sailed 2 French Ships

Wednesday 7  First part Fresh Gales & Squally Received on board 3 Small Casks of Sourkrout & 2 Bags of Calavances Employed working up Junk at [?] [?] blowing hard Fresh served the Cables with 4 Hammocks & 2 Platts & [veered?] Ditto into the Hawse Middle & Latter parts Hard Gales & Hazey with Heavy Squalls Employed as before At Noon Veered away to a whole Cable on the Best bower

Thursday 8  Ditto Weather PM Employed making Matts & overhauling the Rigging & at 7 Freshened hawse AM Moderate & Hazey at 4 Hove into the ½ Cable service on the Best bower Latter part Ditto Weather Employed as before Received 26 pounds of Mutton 24 pounds of Bread 1 Small Cask 1 Hogshead 1 Barrel 6 Halfhogsheads of Wine & a Turn of Water

Friday 9  First part Light breezes & Cloudy Middle parts Hazey with Small Rain PM Received Mr. Frankland Mr. Gore & 2 Marines from Sick Quarters Employed making Matts for the Courses Received Water per Cutter Latter part Light Variable Winds & open Cloudy Weather Employed as before Received on board 30 pounds of Mutton & 18 pounds of Bread

Saturday 10  Light Variable winds & Clear Weather PM Employed as before AM Light breezes & Foggy Received on board 23 pounds of Mutton & 18 Pounds Bread

Sunday 11  First part Moderate & Cloudy PM Employed working up Junk Middle part Light winds & Thick Hazey Weather Latter Light winds & Cloudy at 7 AM Swayed up Topmasts Top Gallant masts lower yards Received 28 pounds of Mutton & 18 pounds of Bread

Monday 12  All this day light Variable winds & fine Weather AM Bent the Foresail & Topsail Jib & Staysails People Employed making Points &c and scrubing the Main Topsail At Noon Arrived a French Ship & Brig & a Dutch Ship Sailed hence an English Whaler & the French Frigate Received on board 23 pounds of Mutton & 15 pounds of Bread

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