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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 4-7, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

November 1791

Friday 4  Moderate & Cloudy PM Employed Occasionally Set the Top Sails AM Fresh breezes & Dark Cloudy Weather Employed as before Served Sourkrout to the Ships Company At Noon Fresh breezes & Hazey Providence NE 2 Cables

Saturday 5  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather Roused up the Ends of the Best bower Cables & Employed rounding them, Payed down Ditto Rove a new Starboard Fore Top Gallant Sheet AM Strong breezes & Hazey Weather Sailmaker Employed mending the Old Fore Topsail Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally At Noon Moderate & Fair Providence South 2 Cables

Off the Cape of Good Hope

Sunday 6  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Sailmaker mending the Old Fore Topsail Seamen Working up Junk . . . Saw a number of Whales . . . made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh Breezes & Squally In Studding Sails & Top Gallant Sails Hauled up the Fore Sail & hove too Main Topsail to the Mast ½ past 5 Bore up In 1st Reef of the Main Topsail Set the Fore Sail & Top Gallant Sails at 7 Out Reef of the Main Top Sail at 11 Saw the Land extremes from SEbS to SEbE At Noon Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather Table Land SE½E & the Lyons rump EbS Providence SE 1 Mile

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope

Monday 7  Moderate & Clear Weather PM at ½ past 2 Shortened Sail & came too with the Small Bower in 4 Fathoms Water in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope & Moored to the WbN & EbS Half a Cable each way Sugar Loaf bearing S72W to North Found Riding here a French Frigate Six Sail of Dutch East Indiamen & several English & American Whalers AM Ditto Weather Loosed Sails to Dry at 8 The Providence Saluted the Garrison which was Returned Unbent Sails At Noon Light breezes & Clear Weather

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