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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 17-22, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

September 1791

Saturday 17  Fresh breezes & Squally PM Employed as before AM Calm & dark Cloudy Weather Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally At Noon Providence NE 1 Mile.

Sunday 18  Light Airs & Cloudy PM Employed as before at ½ past 5 Squally in Top Gallant Sails lowered the Fore & Aft Main Sail & single reefed the Topsails AM Lost the Log & 3 Lines at 10 Squally with heavy Rain caught a Puncheon & 3 Halfhogsheads of Water Providence WSW ½ a Cable

Monday 19  Moderate & Hazey PM made & shortened sail Occasionally AM Ditto Weather People making Matts for the Rigging Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station Served Cocoa, Sugar, Vinegar & Sourkrout to the Ships Company Providence SSE

Tuesday 20  Light Airs Inclinable to Calm PM People Employed as before at 7 Tacked Ship & stood to the SE AM Light breezes Saw a Strange Sail in the NE Standing to the SE at 8 Squally with Rain at Noon Moderate Providence SEbS 1 Cable

Wednesday 21  Light breezes PM Tacked Ship & made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Employed as before AM Light Airs Inclinable to Calm Employed Occasionally served Cocoa & Sugar to the Ships Company At Noon Providence SE 1 Cable

Thursday 22  Light breezes & Cloudy with heavy Rain PM Caught 2 Halfhogsheads & 4 Breakers of Water In 1st Reef of the Fore Topsail AM Fresh Gales & Squally with constant Rain In 1st & 2nd Reefs of the Main Topsail & 2nd Reef of the Fore Topsail at ½ past 5 Moderate Weather Out Reefs of the Topsails Shewed Colours to a French Ship standing to the Southward at Noon Providence EbS 1 Cable

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