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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 26-29, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1791

Friday 26  Light Breezes & Hazey PM People working up Junk Carpenter as before ... Served Slops to the Ships Company The Providence spoke a strange Sail AM Ditto Weather. Opened a Cask of Beef Mark RH No. 3517 Contents 32 Double Pieces. the above Sail sent her Boats on board the Providence She proved to be the Redbridge of Southampton bound on the South Whale Fishery her Commander being very Sick Captain Bligh sent his Surgeon on board At Noon the Providence WbN ½ a Cable

Saturday 27  Ditto Weather PM Employed upon the Rigging Carpenters Caulking the Hatches made & shortened Sail Occasionally at ½ past 9 Saw the Peak of Teneriffe bearing SW distant 11 Leagues at 10 Made the Signal for Seeing Ditto . . . Bent the Bower Cables At Noon Providence SSE 1 Mile

At Single Anchor Sancta Cruz Road, Teneriffe

Sunday 28  Moderate & Hazey PM at 9 Squally Close Reefed the Fore Topsail & Double Reefed the Main Top Sail Shewed a light Occasionally to the Providence AM More Moderate out Reefs of the Topsails. Tacked Ship & wore away for the Town of Sancta Cruz at 10 Calm & clear Out Sweeps & Employed rowing into the Roads At 11 Shortened Sail & came too with the Best bower in 30 Fathoms Water At Noon Furled Sails Found riding here a Spanish Kings Packet & several Merchant Ships

Moored in Sancta Cruz Road Teneriffe

Monday 29  Light Variable wind & fine Weather PM Moored Ship with ½ a Cable to the SW & a Cable to the N. The Highest Church bearing WSW The East point E½N & the West point SW, Our Commander went on board the Commodore AM Ditto Weather Loosed Sails to Dry . . . Employed Occasionally.

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