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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jun 15-22, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Lashed alongside His Majesty's Ship Brilliant at Deptford

June 1791

Wednesday 15  Variable Weather. PM Employed getting off Stores AM Received on board Boatswains & Carpenters Stores Bent Top Gallant Sails. Entered 4 Men.

Thursday 16  Ditto Weather. PM Employed Occasionally Received some Stores AM The Master went on board the Enterprize for 4 Seamen who had Entered on board the Brig & were impressed by the Enterprizes Gang.

Friday 17  Ditto Weather with Rain PM received some Stores on board & Employed getting ready for Sea The Master returned from the Enterprize with 3 of the Seamen the 4th being Detained as a Deserter from the King Fisher AM Received on board 6 Small Casks of Sugar 7 Ditto Cocoa & a Sett of Coopers Tools.

Saturday 18  Fresh breezes & Squally PM Employed Clearing the Ship of lumber Received some Stores AM Employed upon the Rigging

Sunday 19  Light breezes & fine Weather. PM Employed as before AM Ditto Weather loosed all our Sails to Dry

Monday 20  Ditto Weather. PM Employed upon the Rigging AM Scraped the Main mast &c.

Tuesday 21  Ditto Weather. PM Cleared the Cable Tiers AM Employed upon the Rigging Received our Cutter from the Yard.

Moored in Gallions

Wednesday 22  Moderate & Cloudy PM The Pilot came on board, hove off our lashings at 2 Made Sail in Company with the Providence at 5 Anchored in Gallions with the Small bower in 6 Fathoms Water [Veered?] away to a Cable & Moored with a Cable each way AM Ditto Weather. Shifted our Birth as the Providence had Anchored too near us & Moored as before in 3 Fathoms Water Barking Creek bearing EbN & the Devils house WbN Found Riding here His Majestys Brig Otter & the Speedwell Cutter. Returned our Harbour Boat.

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