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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook May 27-Jun 3, 1791

Remarks &c on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Lashed alongside His Majesty's Ship Brilliant at Deptford

May 1791

Friday 17  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Employed as before Received some Boatswains Stores AM Riggers Employed swaying up Bunt line & Leechline blocks

Saturday 28  First part Moderate breezes & fair Middle & Latter Fresh Gales & Cloudy Artificers Employed fixing the Pumps AM Received our Cables 60 Deals for Dunnage & Sundry Coils of rope

Sunday 29  First & Middle parts Fresh breezes & Clear Latter rather Cloudy PM Made a Platform in the Hold & Coiled away the Cables AM Employed upon the Rigging Received a Stern Lanthorn from the Yard

Monday 30  Ditto Weather at 1 PM The Lower Guns fired it being the Anniversary of King Charles the Seconds Restoration to the Throne AM Received our Anchors from the Yard. Employed upon the Rigging

Tuesday 31  Ditto Weather Employed stowing the Anchors & upon the Rigging Received 3 Half hogsheads of Beer Employed upon the Rigging & Scraping the Topmasts &c Read the Articles of War & Abstract of the Act of Parliament for the Encouragement of Seamen &c to the Ships Company Received on board 144 pounds of Fresh Beef.

June 1791

Wednesday 1  All these 24 Hours Fine Weather PM Employed reeving the running Rigging AM Got off Boatswains & other Stores.

Thursday 2  Ditto Weather PM Employed upon the Rigging Received on board Boatswains & Carpenters Stores & the following Provisions [?] 1 Barrel 2 Halfhogsheads of Beef 2 Halfhogsheads of Pork 6 Barrels of White Salt 1 Ditto Bay Salt 3 Puncheons 2 Hogsheads & 2 Halfhogsheads Water Casks

Friday 3  Ditto Weather PM Employed filling the Water Casks Stowing away Provisions & getting off the Sails AM Employed blacking the Yards

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