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Revised Jun 9 2021

Tobin's Providence Narrative Miscellany

[The following are inserts at the beginning of the volume.]

Officers, &c &c on board H.M.S. Providence, on her quitting England, August   1791

Names Quality How since disposed of ...1831
Willm. Bligh Post Captain Died in London, (Vice Admiral) Decr. 12th. 1817
F. G. Bond 1st Lieutenant Post Captain On half pay
Jams. Guthrie 2d Do. Died (a Lieutenant) 1795
Geo: Tobin 3d Do. Post Captain On half pay
Wm NIcholls Master Died in
Edd. Harwood Surgeon Died in London 1814
Edd James Boatswain
Jno England Gunner
Jno Flow Carpenter
Thos. Gilespie Masters Mate Died a Lieutenant, in 1800 or 1801.
Jno Impey Masters Mate Post Captain, on half pay
Thos. Walker Masters Matd Died
Geo: Holwell Midshipman Died (a Lieutenant) in
Geo: Kilsha Do
Jno Busby Do Died (a Post Captain) 1813
Rob. Ogelvie Do Drowned in the Swift Sloop, in 1797
Wm Hinde Do Died during the Voyage at Jamaica 1793
Matw Flinders Do Died (a Post Captain) in England 1814
Jno Head Do Died (a Lieutenant) in 1804
Wm Askew Do Killed (A Lieut) by accident
Rob Ridgway Surgeons 1st Mate
‡Douglas White Surgeons 2d Mate Died, at Rosetta 1802 of the Plague
Edd Hatful Captains Clerk Purser in the Navy Died in Caorada 1829
Thos. Pearce Lieut of Marines Died
Mr. Wiles
Mr. Smith

I always understood that Mr. Whyte had inoculated himself twice for the Plague, in Egypt, without receiving the infection. But the following account is from the
Quarterly Review, Dec. 1825. ........... G.T. 1826

"The experiment (Dr Whytes) and the result are thus related in a letter from Mr. Rice, then doing duty in the Post House at El Hammed, to Mr. (now Sir James) McGregor.

Jan 9, 1802
Jan 5, 1802
Jan 6, 1802
Jan 8, 1802
Jan 9,1802

Viz. "Dr Whyte came here last night Jany. 2d 1802. Soon after he came in, he rubbed some matter from the Bubo of a woman on the inside of his thighs. The next morning he inoculated himself in the wrists with a Lancet with matter from the running Bubo of a Sepoy. Dr. Whyte continued in good health on the 5th and all day on the 6th till the evening, when he was attacked with rigors, and other febrile symptoms. He continued to have shiverings, succeeded by head and perspiration, much affection of the head, tremor of the limbs, a dry black tongue, great thirst, a full hard irregular pulse, great debility, and great anxiety. He still persisted that the disease was not the plague, and would not allow his groin or arm pits to be examined. He became delirious on the 8th, and died on the 9th in the forenoon.

Extract from the Revd. R. Polwheles "Traditions and Recollections, &c &c" published in 1826 (GT. 1827)

"Captain Bligh to the Revd R. Polwhele

Durham Place Lambeth
  Dec 21 . 1803

"I hope yet to be able to publish my last Voyage in which I secured the Bread fruit plants to the West Indies."

Officers &c &c on board the Assistant on her quitting England August   1791

Names Quality How since disposed of
Nathl. Portlock Lieut, & Commander Died Se&prime.; 12th, 1817 A Captain of Greenwch. Hospil.
  Watson Master
  Frankland Surgeon
David Gilmore Masters Mate Died a Commander 1829
John Gore Midshipman
J R Lapenstiere Do Post Captain – Died
Thos. England Do
  Dyce Do
  Mathews Do Died.
  Campbell Do
  Sherrard Clerk
  Goulden Gunners Mate
  Myers Carpenters Mate
Quere? If a Boatswains Mate allowed.

Gent. Magazine Sep 1811 Died Lieut. R. B. Hopkins. He was one of the Circumnavigators in H.M.S. Providence at Stoke-Abbot – Eldest Son of the Revd. M U Hopkins.

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