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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 4, 1793

Remarks ☽ [Monday] February 4 1793 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather hazey over the Land At 1 Shortened Sail, hoisted out the Whale boat and sent her on board the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock. One of the strange Ships standing in for the Land, the other out of sight to the Southward At 4 Cape Tiburon N23°W 8 or 9 Leagues Land in sight as far NEbE. AT Sunset Tiburon N17°W about 8 Leagues At 7 Lieutenant Portlock returned on board the Assistant and we hoisted up the Boat. Just before Dark we fancied we saw some thing in the WbN which was thought to be Navasa. this is a small Island or rock situated equidistant nearly between Hispaniola and Jamaica, consequently too far off to be seen in our present Situation.

12 mid: Light Breezes & fine Weather

 2 am: At 2½ Shifted the Studding sails to the Starboard side – I suppose we have now well opened the Streight between the Islands, which is a natural Cause why the Wind has varied from its usual Point.

 5 am: At Day break Saw Hispaniola in the ENE. two strange Sail, one a Brig Sloop of War under English Colours passed about 4 Miles to Windward of us upon the other Tack.

 9 am: Fresh Gale and hazey Weather Washed and cleaned below – Fires to air the Cockpits. Sailmakers about the Awning.

11 am: At 11½ Saw Jamaica about Point Morant from the Topmast head. low land.

12 noon: At Noon it bore West from the Deck and Fresh Breeze and fine Weather with Haze the other Sail seen this Morning standing towards Hispaniola.
Assistant in Company.

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