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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 21, 1793

Remarks ☽ [Monday] 21st Towards the West Indies

 1 pm: Moderate Trade and fine Weather

 2 pm: Set the Larboard Main Top Mast Studding sail.

 4 pm: Ditto Weather A man of war bird seen

 5 pm: Pumps worked as usual.

 8 pm: Fine Weather

 9 pm: Clouds rising took in the Fore royal & Main Top Mast Studding sail

12 mid: Clear Weather

 2 am: Squally with a few drops of rain – Shortened and made sail occasionally.

 5 am: Fine Weather the Watch scrubbing their Hammocks – Many Egg Birds seen

 8 am: Moderate Trade and fine Weather the Carpenters making a new Main Top Gallant Mast out of a spar.

10 am: Sailmakers repairing the old Jib

11 am: Exercised Great Guns –
the People Cloaths mustered and taken an Account – this is done with a View to prevent them selling them and is more particularly necessary now going into Port. –
Spruce Beer today for the People.

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breeze & fine Weather
Assistant in Company.

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