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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 18, 1793

Remarks ♀ [Friday] January 18th 1792 [1793] H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather Splitt the Fore topsail – unbent it and bent the second best

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Set Studding sails forward – Sailmakers repairing the Fore Topsail – Before Dark Took in Studding sails.

 8 pm: Steady fresh Trade & fine Weather

12 mid: Squally threatni9ng Weather In Studding sails a– Top Gallant sails

 3 am: Set Top Gallant sails again, Weather more settled.

 5 am: Frequent Squalls and sometimes accompanied with rain – Shortened and made sail occasionally as the Weather permitted

 9 am: People washing and mending their Clothes – The Assistant Signal made to come within Hail. a Peice of fresh Pork veered to her – All well – Sailmakers about the Fore Topsail.

12 noon: At Noon – Strong Trade with frequent Squalls
Assistant in Company

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