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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 23-24, 1792

Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence

☉[Sunday] December 23rd Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather Employed watering and stowing in the Holds – At Sunset down Top Gallant yards &c – at 7 The Dutch Brig sailed for the Cape of Good Hope – AM. Nine Pots of Timor fruit Plants sent on shore to the Governors being one of every Sort collected there – Up Top Gallant yards &c at 8 – People employed compleating our Water and preparing for Sea – Fresh Beef and water cresses for the People to day as usual – At 11 An American Ship passed by, without touching or sending a Boat on shore – Loosed Sails to dry and furled them before Noon – Moderate Breeze off the Land & Cloudy Weather

☽[Monday] December 24th Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Aired and overhauled the Small sails. People principally employed about the rigging – Carpenters scraping and blacking the Bends. Our Water nearly compleated and expect to go to Sea in a Day or two AM. Struck the Tent on shore and got on board the Spars & Sails with the remainder of the Water – On Board employed compleating the Holds and washing and cleaning Ship Fore and aft. No fresh Beef yet today – A Cask of Spruce Beer for the People today The Botanists on shore collecting and preparing the St Helena Plants to come on board.

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