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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 20-21, 1792

Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence

♃ [Thursday] December 20th 1792 Fresh Breezes & Squally Weather Employed as before in the Holds and about the rigging. very little Water got off for the Surf – the Short Allowance Money for Spirits at and since leaving Otaheite amounting to 8d:1½ and for Bread since leaving Timor to 2d:6½ paid to the People – plenty of Fish brought to the Ship – AM. Strong Puffs of Wind off the Land and squally unsettled Weather – The British Tar sailed this Morning upon the Whale Fishery – Eleven fine Breadfruit Plants and 12 sickly ones sent on shore and committed to the Care of Mr Portius the Companys Botanist here for the Benefit of the Island according to the Intention of His Majesty – Cleaning the Ship and preparing to receive the Governor who came on board at 9 with Major Robson the Lieutenant Governor and some other officers. Saluted him with 13 Guns – they afterwards went on board the Assistant who saluted them likewise with 13 Guns – Major Robson who is a great Virtuoso purchased several Otaheitean Curiosities of the People – Fresh Beef and Water Cresses got from the shore as usual. A cask of Spruce Beer broached for the Ships Company as usual every other Day the same as at Sea – Still blows strong in Puffs

♀ [Friday] December 21st Strong Breezes & Squally Weather received some Water by a Country Launch which we find more convenient for getting the Water off in the Surf than our own – The Captain and several of the officers on shore. the Botanists in the Country searching for Plants proper for His Majestys botanic Garden and likewise for situations proper for the Breadfruit Plants. in these Excursions they are always accompanied by Mr Portius – The sick men on board sent on shore in the Morning under the Care & Direction of one of the Surgeons Mates and return again in the Evening – AM. Wind much moderated and the Surf proportionably so – Got a good Quantity of Water off and sent greatest Part of the remaining empty Casks on shore – Got Fresh Beef and Water Cresses for the Ships Company

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