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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 21, 1792

As in my preceeding Log, this will contain the Log board – the Thermometer as it stands in the shade below; and at Noon it is generally taken in the open Air on Deck and in the Water by immersing it in a Bucket of Water taken from the Surface. The Course and Distance is fairly worked without being in the least biased by the Observations, and the Latitude and Longitude resulting from it, put down – The Couse and Distance by observation is found by the observed Latitude and Time Keepers and I have put down on which side the the Lunars were taken, because it is sometimes observed that those to the Eastward give more East Longitude and those to the Westward more West and the contrary – they are carried on by the Time Keepers. When there is any material Difference between the Log and the Observations  I have noted it in a Column for that Purpose and mentioned the most probable Cause, whence it has arisen

Remarks Wednesday November 21st 1792 Homewards

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Haze – Sailmakers repairing the Fore topmast Studding sail

 3 pm: Saw Albatrosses & Sheerwaters and the blowing of a Whale some Distance from the Ship

 5 pm: Weather cloudy and squally at Times – A swell from the Westward. Ship pitching considerably

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather

 9 pm: Set the Main Top Gallant sail and let the 2nd reef out of the Fore topsail

12 mid: Cloudy Weather

 3 am: Squally Took in the Main Top Gallant sail

 5 am: Got up the Fore top gallant yard – set Top Gallant sails and out 2nd reef Main topsail

 7 am: Out reefs and set Fore topmast Studding sail

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather

 9 am: Set Top Gallant Studding sails – Carpenters and Sailmakers employed in their several Occupations – People blacking the rigging and picking Oakum

11 am: Set the Lower studding sail forward – A Puncheon of Spruce Beer broached for the Ships Company instead of Grog today

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breezes & Cloudy – Assistant ahead

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