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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 11, 1792

Remarks Sunday November 11th 1792 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Light Airs and fair Weather Saw an Albatross and some Bonetas

 3 pm: People washing and mending their Clothes

 4 pm: Fine pleasant Weather

 7 pm: At 7 Saw a Meteor in the NW and shortly after we were surprised by a strange Appearance of a ripling or Bubling up of the Water, which passed the Ship without our being able to determine whether it was effected by a partial Shower of Rain or a Whirlwind – some thing at a Distance had been seen in the Afternoon like a Water spout, and possibly this might be occasioned by something of that kind

10 pm: All the Studding sails taken in, in the Calm, and the Main topsail lowered down to repair

12 mid: Light Breezes and fine Weather some Dew falling

 4 am: An increasing Breeze and fine Weather Set the Fore topmast Studding sail

 6 am: Out 1st reefs and set all the Studding sails forward – Cleaned below

 8 am: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather At 9 Saw a strange Sail about 4 Leagues in the SW. Hoisted our Standard and Colours. Ship standing to the Eastward, presently she shortened Sail and shewed American Colours, but finding we did not bear down to speak her at 10 she made Sail again – At 10¾ the strange Sail just in Sight to the SE. Saw Bonetas, some flying Fish and a Carey's Chicken – A Puncheon of Spruce Beer broached for the Ships Company.

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and fair Weather
The Assistant in Company

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