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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 31, 1792

Wednesday October 31st H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather

 2 pm: At 1 Shortened Sail, hove to hoisted out the Whale Boat and sent her to the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock – Lowered the Jolly Boat from the Stern, hoisted her in and stowed her forward upon the Spars, Bottom upwards – Fixed Supporters under the Spars at 1:40 the Whale returned, bore away and made Sail – Fine cloudy Weather

 6 pm: At 6:40 In Studding sails & 1st reefs Hove to, Lieutenant Portlock returned Hoisted up the Whale boat and bore away – Fine Weather The Lower and Fore topmast Studding sails set

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather but a fine pleasant Night – some Dew falling a flying Fish caught

 4 am: Fine moderate Weather
Out all reefs and set Studding sails on both Sides – The Watch scrubbing their Hammocks

 8 am: Fine Weather Washed below fore and aft and destroyed many Cockroaches

 9 am: People making Points and spun yarn Sailmakers repairing a Mizen topsail Very few Birds seen this last Day

12 noon: At Noon fbsd and fine cloudy Weather The Assistant in Company

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