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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 20, 1792

Remarks Saturday 20th In the Indian Ocean Homewards

 1 pm: Fresh Gale & Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Saw a Flock of Men of War Birds and Sheerwaters

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: Dark Cloudy Weather Before Dark – In studding sails and 1st reefs. The Strop of the Fore Topsail Tye block gave way – fitted another and set the Sail – Saw Porpoises & a large Shark

 8 pm: Cloudy Weather

 9 pm: A luminous Sparkling about the Ship and the Water covered with white Foam in Spots

12 mid: Strong Gale and Cloudy Weather Assistant ahead carrying a Light

 4 am: Fresh Gale and fair Weather At Daybreak set the Lower & Fore topmast studding sails – Swell come round to the SE with some Sea

 8 am: Cloudy Weather Cleared between Decks and washed below fore and aft destroyed great Quantities of Cockroaches, which are not quite so numerous as they were

11 am: A threatning Squall – Took in the studding sails and Double reefed the Topsails – Carpenters and Sailmakers employed about the Green house

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Gale and fair Weather Assistant in Company ahead

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