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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 3-4, 1792

Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence

Wednesday October 3rd 1792 Veered and moored Whip SE and NW the Best Bower to the SE in 9 Fathoms the Dutch Snow about two Cables Length to the Eastward Hoisted out the Pinnace – at 3 OClock the Captain went on shore in her and was saluted with 15 Guns from the Fort on his landing – People employed getting the Casks out of the Hold and starting the Salt Water the Boats carrying the empty Casks on shore – At Sunset down Top Gallant yards
Light Airsinclinable to Calm
At 4 the Hands turned up and employed as before, getting ready and sending the empty Casks on shore to be filled with fresh Water, a Party of Men on shore for that Purpose
At 8 Up Top Gallant yards Received [blank] Quarters of Carabou a small kind of Beef – Light Breezes and fine Weather People busily employed as before
At Noon Moderate Breezes and fine Weather the Number of Casks sent on shore since our Anchorage is 112 Puncheons 25 Halfhogsheads and 10 Barrels – High Water at Noon – rise of the Tide about 7 Feet

Thursday 4th Moderate Breezes and fair Weather A Party sent on shore to fill the Casks at the river – Employed on board in the Holds – Received a Launch load of Water – sent empty Casks on shore. what Men could be spared were employed about the rigging George Thompson (one of the Matildas) confined for Insolence to the petty officer in the Launch and neglecting his Duty – AM At Daybreak – Parties sent on shore to wood and water – Got the spare Anchor out of the Main Hold and struck down the the disabled Best Bower – 100 Garden Pots sent on shore by the Launch. The Botanists on shore every Day collecting Plants & Specimens – Employed on board principally about the rigging

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