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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 1, 1792

Remarks Monday October 1st 1792 H.M.S. Providence – In sight of the Island Timor Rottee and Samow



At 3 the High Hill of Rottee S57°W – Extremes of Timor as far as seen N57°W to N58°E High Mountain in the Valley N16°E off shore 4 or 5 Miles

At 5:50 Rottee high hill WbyS – the NE Point N60°W


At 6 the NE Point of Rottie S56°W to S88W 5 or 6 Leagues Timor N60W to N56°E high Mountain in the Valley NNE½E – off shore two Leagues

At 8 Rottie NE Point S85°W to S58°58°W 3 or 4 Leagues Timor N61°W to N61°E off shore 5′ or 6′ high Hill of Rottee S47°W

At 9:30 SE Point of Rottee SbyW¼W 6 or 7 Leagues – NE Point S34°W 2 or 3 Leagues in a Line at S11°W Farthest Land seen of Rottee probably the North Point S69°W 4 Leagues in a Line with SW Point of Timor N48°E 3 or 4 Leagues over – South Point of Samou N70°W 5 or 6 Leagues in a Line with SW Point Timor S67°W about 4 Leagues in a Line with SE Point of Samou S82W about 2 Leagues SW Point of Timor N42°W 3 Miles in a Line with NE Point of Rottee N3°W 3 Leagues across – Points opened with SW Point of Timor S67°E and N11°W 1′ – A Point opened with the SW Point of Coupang Bay at S45°W 2½ Miles distant

At Noon

The Points of Entrance into the Passage SWbS and Sour 8 or 9 Miles distant – The SW Point of Coupang Bay N50°E 5 Miles – The NE Point of Pulo Samou N31°E 3 or 4 Miles

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather At 0:30 In 1st reefs and hauled to the Wind

 2 pm: Standking off and on the SE End of the Island Timor

 3 pm: Saw a Shark – Fresh Breezes

 4 pm: At 4 Squally – In 2nd and 33 reefsd of the Topsails – down Top gallant yards – Distant from the Shore 6 or 7 Miles

 6 pm: At 5:50 Tacked towards the Land, now distant about 4 Leagues

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and clear Weather

 9 pm: Saw a Fire on one of the Mountains of Timor – At 9:25 Tacked off shore – At 10:30 Got up Top gallant yards 5 or 6 Miles distant from the Shore

12 mid: Light Breezes – Tacked Ship

 2 am: At 2 Tacked again and set Top gallant sails – Wind dying away and inclinable to Calm

 4 am: Light Airs – Hoisted out the Cutter and Whale boat

 5 am: At ½ past 5 Sent the Boats away to the Assistant to lead

 6 am: At 6 Bore up after the Assistant then about 2 Leagues distant from the Shore. Standing along the Shore – very woody but apparently rocky and barren – white Beach in some Places, rocks or Shoal Water does not extend far out

 8 am: Moderate Breeze sprung up – standing along the Shore distant about 5 Miles – Saw Pulo Samou or Anamaboa

10 am: At 10 Made the Assistants Signal to come nearer – Standing between the Islands rottie and Timor nearest Parts about 3 Leagues distant

11 am: At 11:30 Strong Breezes with Squalls the Lee Fore Topsail Sheet gave way, took in the sail bent anew the Sheet and set the Sail – In the Passage between Pulo Samou and Timor – Made the Assistants Signal to examine the Anchorage and shortly after to bear away – the Boats sounding ahead – At Noon Fresh Breezes with strong Squalls. Standing thro the Streight of Samow and Timor about 3 Miles asunder, the Lead constantly going – find the Water very deep – Saw the Opening betwixt the SW Point of Copang Bay and the NE Point of Pulo Samow with very high distant land at the Back of it – Current or Tides setting all the Morning to the Northward

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