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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 8, 1792

Remarks Saturday September 8th 1792 H.M.S. Providence Amongst Islands to the Southward off New Guinea



At Anchor

Island F N86°E 2 Miles Point of its West Spit S3°E – G S5°W 3 Miles A S79°E 7 Leagues E S72°E 3 Leagues from the Mast head H SWbW½W 13 Miles L SW½Squall 12 Miles I SSW 14 Miles K S¼W 12 Miles


When we bore up at 8..40 – F East 3 or 4 Miles G SbyE 3 Miles

At Anchor

Island H S7°E to S72°E and 2 Miles M S8°W 3 Leagues F N54°E G N74°E I S61East K S52°East L S43 to S37E – S36 to S32E – A Key N9°W 4′ and the other Extremity of the reef S50°W 4′

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and fair Weather Shortened Sail trying Soundings under Island F – At ½ past Noon The Assistant made the Signal to Anchor – brought up in 25 Fathoms Coral Sand with Small Bower about 2 Miles distant from F – Saw several other Islands to Southward from the Mast head – Washed and cleaned below Fore and aft

 4 pm: At 4 Cloudy threatning Weather Got down Top Gallant yards – Veered away the whole Cable Service – Some Canoes seen upon the reef of Island F but no Natives upon the Island

 8 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather A Fire upon the Island.

12 mid: Ditto Weather

 4 am: Strong Breezes

 5 am: At Daybreak Hoisted out the Boats – at 6 Breakfasted – Close reefed the Topsails – Lieutenant Portlock on board at ½ past 7 he returned and the Brig got under weigh – At ½ past 8 Weighed

 8 am: At 40′ past 8 Under Sail and bore away F East 3 or 4 Miles

 9 am: At 9·40 The Assistant made the Signal to steer WbyS at 9·50 to steer WSW

10 am: At 10 Saw broken Water to Leeward. hauled to the Wind – the Boats and Assistant ahead leading – the Lead kept constantly going, soundings as per Column generally Coral sand – At 11:10 Made the Signal to prepare to anchor – stood on a little longer to get more under the Lee of Island H – At 11·50 Brought up with Small Bower in 15 Fathoms soft Ground – Handed Sails – Saw Canoes but no Inhabitants on H which is about 1 Mile distant – The Distillery put up two Day ago – this last 24 Hours there was 23 Gallons of Salt Water distilled

12 noon: Strong Breezes and fair Weather – Saw another Island M to the Southward
   The Assistant in Company

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