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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 3, 1792

Remarks Monday September 3rd 1792 Providence off the South Coast of New Guinea

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Haze
¾ past 12 The Assistant made the Signals for seeing Land and gaining Soundings – Saw a Sandy Key in the SW from the Mast head – Sounded in 64 Fathoms Coral sand – ¼ before two, Saw a Shoal two Cables Lengths ahead. Hove all aback and cleared it. At 2 Wore Ship, ranged the Cables, saw the Anchors clear – The Lead constantly going – 44 and 45 Fathoms Coral sand and shells – ¼ past 2 spoke the Assistant

 6 pm: Spoke the Assistant – All on board in Health and Spirits – concluded to try for a Passage to the Northward

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine clear Weather

 9 pm: The Lead hove every ¼ of an Hour – Soundings from 44 to 45 Fathoms Coral sand

10 pm: ⅓ past 10 Made the Assistants Signal to Tack – Answered – Tacked and stood after her

12 mid: Ditto Weather – Tacked Ship per Signal

 2 am: Some Noddies caught – At 2 Tacked Ship per Signal

 4 am: Tacked Ship per Signal

 6 am: At 6 spoke the Assistant per Signal, Hoisted out the Cutter and sent her a head of the Assistant to lead – At 7 Bore away

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather – In Hopes we shall be able to get clear thro' as we can see no Appearance of Danger at present. – Saw a Grampus

11 am: At 20′ before Noon the Assistant again made the Signal denoting Danger and hauled to the Wind. Followed her Example and sounded in 26 Fathoms Coral rock to 34 Fathom Breakers from Mast head in NbW

12 noon: At Noon Fine Weather Shoal WNW to N½W 2 Leagues
Assistant and Cutter ahead leading

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