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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 17, 1792

Remarks Friday August 17th H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and pleasant Weather

 2 pm: People working up Junk and Sailmakers repairing the old Mizen topsail

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 6 pm: Before Dark – In Studding sails and first reefs – Spoke the Assistant – All well on board

 8 pm: Ditto Weather Heard a Whale blowing close along side

10 pm: Heard several Porpoises or perhaps Whales

12 mid: Light Breezes and cloudy Weather

 2 am: Open cloudy Weather

 5 am: At Daybreak – Out reefs and made all Sail

 6 am: Saw two Tropic Birds

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather with threatning Squalls – took in the royals – Washed Ship fore and aft and aired with Fires

10 am: Strong Breezes and hazey Weather Single reefed the topsails – Boats Crews exercised at Small Arms

12 noon: At Noon – Strong Breezes and dark cloudy Weather
The Assistant in Company ahead

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