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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 10, 1792

Remarks Friday August 10th 1792 H.M.S. Providence Amongst unknown Islands in the great South Sea

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Weather At 2 Tacked Ship on seeing Breakers to the WSW, off the Northermost Key – Spoke the Assistant, all well

 4 pm: At 4 Island No 1 S87°W to N89W 9 Leagues distant land extending to SW – No 2 S15°W to S30°W 7 or 8 Leagues V NE¼E

 5 pm: Before Dark In 2nd Reefs

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual – At ¾ past 5 V Island N56°E to NE¼N – Y NW¾N 8 Leagues Z [WbN?] to NWbW 9 Leagues No 1 S75W 8 Leagues No 2 SbyW¼W 9 or 10 Leagues

 7 pm: ¼ past 7 Tacked Ship

 8 pm: Ditto Weather

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy Weather

 2 am: Tacked Ship per Signal

 4 am: Tacked Ship and shortened sail for the Assistant to get ahead in her Station

 6 am: ½ past 6 V NEbyN 7 or 8 Leagues Z N43° to N58°W 9 Leagues No 1 N88°W 9 or 10 Leagues and No 2 S43° to S23°W 5 or 6 Leagues

 8 am: Cloudy Weather

10 am: At 10 Tacked Ship – fearing we should not be able to weather the Island No 2

12 noon: At Noon Dark cloudy Weather Extremes of Z N65°W to N40°W the high Land of V N30°E No 2 SbW½W and No 1 W½N 8 or 10 Leagues

W WbN½N At 2 Pm August 9th Distant 5 or 6 Leagues

Y N82°W At Sunset August 9th Distant 8 Leagues

X N24°W At 7 AM August 9th 6 or 7 Leagues

These are three small Islands and lay nearly in an East and West Line – We saw no Signs of Inhabitants on any of them. the Latitude of W is [blank] and Longitude [blank] – of Y [blank] and [blank] East – and X [blank] South and [blank] East

Z at 8 AM August 9th SbN 10 or 12 Leagues

This Island is very large and if as is very probable, the extensive Coast Captain Bligh saw in the Launch forms the Northern Part of it, it must be larger than any other Island yet discovered in these Seas, not excepting Oteheite – We were at too great a Distance to distinguis any Signs of Inhabitants but Captain Bligh was chased by a Canoe from the Part he saw in his former Voyage. the Southern Extremity is in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East by the Lunar Observation

No 1 N78°W to N73°W At 10 AM August 10th Distant [blank] Leagues

This Island was at too great a Distance from us to determine its Size to any Certainty or whether it was inhabited – Its Latitude is [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich nearly – by the Lunar
   No 1 S75°W at Sunset August 10 Distant [blank] Leagues

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