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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 28, 1792

Remarks Saturday July 28th Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and Cloudy Weather a heavy following Sea and the Ship rolling deep

 3 pm: Sailmakers and People employed upon the New and old Fore topsails and new foresail

 5 pm: At 5 Hoisted the preparatory Flag – made the Signal to the Assistant of steering WbyS and hers to go ahead and carry a Light, which were answered and complied with – In 3rd Reef of the Main & close reefed the Fore and Mizen topsails

10 pm: Fine cloudy Night – a few Stars visible

12 mid: Strong Gales and cloudy Weather the Ship rolling very deep

 2 am: Handed the Mizen topsail

 4 am: Dark cloudy Weather

 5 am: Set the Fore sail

 6 am: More moderate

 7 am: Made sail as the Wind abated

 8 am: Breeze moderating

 9 am: The Fore topmast steering sail set – At work upon the old Foresail A Cask of Pork opened there being fresh Pork for only Part of the Ships Company – A Shower of rain at 10 and rather squally

12 noon: At Noon Fresh gale and thick Weather the Sun scarcely visible
The Assistant in Company ahead

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