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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 17-18, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Tuesday July 17th 1792 Light Breezes and cloudy Weather the Launch sent on shore to the Tent – Launched and received on board the Whale boat which had been repairing on shore – In the Evening the Marines with their Beds and every thing from the Tent came on board Employed on board clearing the Ship for Sea, on which account great Supplies of all kind of Provisions are brought by the Natives – AM The Launch sent on shore with the Breakers and all the Empty Casks filled – Loosed Sails to dry – At 9 veered away and unmoored Ship – Hoisted in the Launch and stowed the Cutter within her – Great Supplies of Provisions brought as before

Wednesday 18th Light Breezes and fair Weather Hove up the Small Bower and warped farther to the Westward brought up with the Small Bower in 12½ Fathoms fun out a Kedge to the Southward to steady the Ship – Extremity of Point Venus NNE Tarra Heads S11° to 27°W Otoo's Horns from S16°E to SSE Island Morea S67° to 89°W A.M. the Jolly-boat sent on shore to fill the empty Breakers – Stowed the Sheet Anchor, weighed the Kedge and hove short waiting for a fair Wind – a surprising Quantity of Canoes about the Ship and so many Indians on board that all but the Chiefs and Women were obliged to be sent out of the Ship to make room for the People to do the necessary Duty – Loosed the Topsails – Fresh Provisions served as before
Now ready for Sea in every respect,
the Ships Draught of Water Forward 15 Feet: 9 Inches Aft 16: 9

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