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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Apr 5, 1792

Remarks Thursday 5th Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Trade and fair Weather a considerable SEasterly Swell

 2 pm: The Pinnaces Crew exercised at Small Arms

 3 pm: Squally at Times

 6 pm: Before Dark – In Steering Sails & 1st Reef Topsails

 8 pm: Fresh Breeze and fine Clear Night

12 mid: Fine Weather A Man kept at the Bow-sprit end to look out as usual

 5 am: Fine Weather At Day break, Out reefs and made all Sail – People scrubbing their Hammocks

 8 am: Cleared the Gun Deck and washed below Fore and Aft – Aired with Fires – Sailmaker and Armourer at their respective Duty – the Marines and Pinnaces Crew exercised at Small Arms, the former firing Platoons

10 am: At 10 OClock discovered a small low Island just above the Horizon, bearing from W½N to SW about 2 Leagues distant – In Steering Sails and Top gallant sails and hauled up for the Northern Point

11 am: at 11 abreast of it, hauled closer for the next – A great Surf breaking upon the Beach and over the Rocks near it – ½ past 11 Hauled towards the SW Point

12 noon: At Noon the Extremes of the NW side of the Island from EbN½N to SbE¾E 4 or 5 Miles – Squally Weather The Assistant in Company

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