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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 17, 1792

Remarks Saturday 17th Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: In 1st Reef Mizen and 2nd Fore topsail – Saw a Patch of Rock-weed some Albatrosses and Sheerwaters

 4 pm: A large gull or blue Petterel seen

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 6 pm: Open cloudy Weather

 8 pm: Squally with small Rain in 2nd Reef Main topsail

10 pm: Saw many luminous Blubbers in the Water

11 pm: Variable unsettled Weather

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 1 am: A pleasant cloudy Night the Air of a moderate Temperature

 4 am: Light Airs and dark cloudy Weather

 5 am: Out 2nd Reefs Fore and Main and 1st Mizen topsail

 6 am: Sent up Top gallant yards and set the Sails

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fine cloudy Weather

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired with Fires

10 am: People washing and mending their Cloaths

11 am: Wort at the usual Time Sailmakers about the Mainsail People employed occasionally under the Boatswain

12 noon: Light Breezes & Cloudy Weather with clear Intervals
The Assistant in Company

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