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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 7, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 7th – Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Light Breezes and thick rainy Weather with a long Westerly Swell

 3 pm: Sent up Top Gallant yards and set the Sails

 4 pm: Light Airs and rainy Weather Inclinable to Calm

 6 pm: Squally Splitt the Main Top Gallant Sail, unbent it and bent a new one. Sett it and the Foresail

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and rainy Weather

10 pm: Out 2nd Reef Fore topsail

11 pm: A Fire kept all Night in the Galley

12 mid: Squally with heavy Rain

 1 am: In 3rd Reef Fore and 2nd of the Main topsail – Handed top gallant Sails

 3 am: Strong Hail Storms – Shortened Sail occasionally

 4 am: At Day break Made more Sail

 7 am: The People had a hot Breakfast of thick Gruel with Portable Soup according to the daily Custom

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired with Stoves – Got all wett Cloaths upon Deck to dry. Shortened Sail for the Assistant – Aired the Small Sails –

11 am: Made more Sail – Sweet Wort served as usual

12 noon: Fresh Gales & fair Weather The Swell considerably abated – The Assistant in Company

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