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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 26, 1792

Remarks February 26th – Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather – Set the Fore top gallant Sail

 3 pm: Measured the Log-line at 4th [?] 28″ – Sent a Weather Cloth on board the Assistant by a Line & Cask

 6 pm: Saw a Species of Whale called a Killer by those on board who had been in the Fishery – Carried a stern light as did the Assistant

10 pm: Dark Cloudy Weather

11 pm: A Fire kept all Night in the Galley

12 mid: Drizling Rain – Took in Top Gallant Sails

 2 am: Fresh Gale & Squally – Took a 2nd Reef in the Fore topsail

 5 am: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy. Let the Reef out of the Fore topsail and set Top Gallant Sails

 8 am: Cleaned below Aired the Cockpits with Stoves

10 am: Served Sweet Wort

11 am: the People mustered in Divisions seen clean & Divine Service performed to them by the Captain

12 noon: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy
The Assistant in Company

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