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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 13-14, 1793

Remarks &c. moored in Bluefield's Bay.

June 1793

Thursday 13th. First part fresh gales and fair with haze, middle and latter parts light airs, calms, and variable. received a turn of water per Launch – cleared the Launch and hoisted her in. At 7 PM weighed the Kedge anchor – cleared the decks &c. At 11 PM calm – shortened in the Cable. At day light made the signal for sailing. Cleaned below, and served fresh Beef to the ships company. At Noon calm & cloudy, no possibility of sailing –
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 14 Feet.10 Inches Abaft 16.00

Friday 14th. At 4 PM. light airs, calms &c. no going to sea. Shortened in the cable occasionally – Midnight calm and cloudy weather At 4 Ditto Weather weighed the Kedge anchor and loosed the Fore Top Sail. Carpenters employed repairing the large Cutter, which stove on a reef coming from Black River with stock &c. At 9 weighed and sent the boats a head to tow. At 11 obliged to come to – with the small Bower in 4½ fathoms, sandy bottom. The Tavern bore N53°E, in one with the Overseas House, about 4 miles distance. Extremes from N85°W to S45°E. Shipping in Savanna la Mar N70°W and the Dolphins Head N28°W – Read the Articles of War and punished George Thompson with 12 lashes for Contempt and Disobedience of Orders – The Thomas and Bristol, and the Clemmentson of Liverpool, waiting our sailing, and yesterday arrived from Savanna la Mar, – 50 Butts – 176 Puncheons – 59 Hogsheads – 44 [?] – 27 ½ Hogsheads – of Water on board – Total 109 Tons

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