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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jan 23, 1793

Remarks &c Wednesday 23rd January 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather AT 2 Hour.30′ St. Vincents from N48°W to N24°W. St. Lucia from N8°W to N17°W – Martinica M4°W [?] overhauled a range of the cables.

 4 pm: At 4 St. Vincents N36W to S64W, 6 or 7 miles distant – At 5.30 made ye signal with a gun for a Pilot, and repeated by the Assistant. ¾ past brought to a French Sloop, out boat & got a Pilot from her. In 2nd reef Top Sails and bore away, the sloop and Assistant leading; off shore about 2 miles – At 7 Hour.30′ sounded 27 fathoms dark sand Cayoquoi bearing NbW 1½ miles.

 8 pm: At 8 St. Vincents from EbS to NWbW. Coyaquoi EbN off shore 2 miles, no sounding 40 fathoms of line At 10 Hour.30′ brought up with the small Bower in Kingston Bay, in 25 fathoms, sandy bottom. Furled sails and steadied the ship with a Kedge to the Eastward. Sent Lieutenant Guthrie to report the arrival of the ship. AM light breezes with rain, and thick hazy weather At 9 tripped the Kedge.

10 am: At 10 Hour.30′ weighed and warped further in shore, and brought up with the small Bower in 15 fathoms water, black sand & mud. Veered to a whole Cable service – Found several merchant ships in the Bay.

11 am: Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer

12 noon: Assistant in company

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