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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 2, 1792

Remarks &c from Timor to St. Helena 2nd December 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather at 1 shortened sail and out whale boat. Sent on board the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock; and made sail. – People employed washing and mending their Clothes. Saw Albatrosses, Sheerwaters, a Nautilus, and a large School of Pie-bald or White-bellied Porpoises. Served Tobacco to the Ships Company. Worked the Pumps as usual – At 7 Lieutenant Portlock returned – in whale boat and made more sail. – The Surgeon extracted two pieces of Bone of 2¼ inches long, part of the point of an Arrow that wounded one of those 3 men on board of the Assistant in Providence Streights, now 3 months since, and believed the point is still in his shoulder though not at present to be found. The invasion was two or three inches deep. – At 8 in after Steering sails.

10 pm: At 10 in 1st reef Main Top Sail. ½ past in Steering sail foreward

12 mid: Light breezes and cloudy weather Dew falling

 2 am: Moderate breezes and fair weather passed thro' a strong rippling

 4 am: Crossed the Spritsail Fore Sail Yard.

 5 am: Fresh breezes and fair weather Saw several whales, Sheerwaters and Albatrosses

 7 am: In 1st reef Fore Top Sail – Ditto the Mizen Top Sail

 8 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy. Served the usual Breakfast of Portable Soup Gruel. Clean swept below – Mustered in Divisions and performed Divine Service. In [?] reef Fore Top Sail. Served out Krout and Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer. Saw Pintada birds, Sheerwaters & a Mother Carey's Chicken.

12 noon: Fresh gale and cloudy – Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 37°·44′ South

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