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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 24, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 24th September 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 4 pm: Saw several kinds of Sea birds in pursuit of small fish

 5 pm: Spoke the Assistant and found that W. W. Terry Seaman, one of the three persons wounded by the Arrows of the Indians at Dungeness Road, had died the night before last, and was burried yesterday morning – the two others were almost recovered

12 mid: Fresh breezes and fair weather – a heavy Dew fell to night

 5 am: At 5 made all sail – Saw some Tropic birds

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast and compliment of Provisions

 8 am: At 8 the Assistant made ye signal to denote Danger – hauled on a wind top the northward and down steering sails &c. Saw white water and a rippling bearing from about West to NWbN a mile and half distance – At 8.40 Sounded 44 fathoms blue sand. Assistant made ye Signal to follow without Danger – At 8.45 bore up and made all sail – Employed pointing the Sheet Cable

12 noon: Saw large flocks of sea birds and schools of fish of the size of Herrings – Served the ships Company at an Allowance of water, at the rate of 2 Quarts and half a Pint, Gruel; Pease & Grog included – Fresh breezes and fair weather
   Latitude Observed 8°:34′:39″ South

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