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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 6, 1792

Remarks &c Thursday 6th September 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather The Pinnace and Cutter returned – Found that a Large Canoe had attacked the Cutter, and while in the act of bending their Bows the Cutters discharge their Small Arms and drove the Indians off with great perturbation.

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps – In Boats.

 8 pm: Fresh breezes and Cloudy.

 6 am: At ½ past 6 weighed – Served the usual Breakfast Sour Krout in ye Pease for Dinner

 7 am: Canoe Key, South.
Island A N5W to N22W. E on with the end of the reef to the Northward of A N534W F distant 9 miles The reef ¾ of a mile. C S48E, B S51E

 9 am: At ½ past 9 anchored per Signal of the Assistant – Island A from N52E to N68E about 4 miles E N47W F N59W – Key S21W – a Key S64E – Small Bower in 13 fathoms soft ground – Lieutenant Porlock came on board and at 11 returned on board the Assistant – At ½ past 11 the Brig weighed Cutter & Whale boat leading

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fair weather
   Latitude Observed 9°:36′:45″ South

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