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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 28, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 28th August 92

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather – Exercised the Marines at Small Arms

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Unbent the old and bent the new Fore Sail – Saw a Mother Cary's Chicken and served Porpoises

 6 pm: Memorandum: The Assistant saw a water Spout from her Mast head – the first for the voyage
Made ye Signal and spoke the Assistant – Shortened sail and in 2nd. reef Topsails. Worked the Pumps as usual

 9 pm: Moderate and fair weather with good Moon light

10 pm: Noddies &c. about the Ship

12 mid: Dew falling.

 6 am: Out all reefs & set Steering sails – Saw Tropic birds & Noddies – Served the usual Breakfast

 8 am: Up all Chests & Bags, and washed below with cold & also hot water to kill the Cockroaches – Cleaned the Decks well fore & aft. – Served Krout – Sailmakers & Carpenters as yesterday. Sailors employed knotting yard &c.

11 am: Pass a Branch of a tree, and a Piece of rock weed

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fair weather with thick haze. Assistant in company – Swell from the SE
Longitude at Noon by Chronometers 149°:00′ East
I suppose to be about 15 miles to far Westward.
   Latitude Observed 11°·35′ South

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