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Revised 2010-07-16

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 19, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor Sunday 19th August 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy; people employed washing & mending their clothes – At ½ past 2 Answered the Assistant's Signal for seeing land in the SW quarter. – down steering sails and hauled up – the Land seen now bearing SW

 4 pm: At 4 a small, and the Southermost Island, bearing S24°30′W called A. Another called B bearing S41°W distant 7 or 8 leagues – At ¾ past 4 the North rocks (a small Island &c) bore N68W.

 6 pm: At 6 Island A S16°W 5 leagues Island B S36W 3 leagues – Island C S46W 6 leagues – Island D S76°W 7 leagues – North Rock NW W 5 leagues – Tacked Ship and in 1st reef Top Sails

 9 pm: Cloudy, but fine weather

12 mid: Tacked per Signal

 2 am: Squally, in 2nd. reefs

 3 am: Lightning to the Southward

 6 am: ¼ past 6 North rocks N54°W – Islands; A, S15°W. – B, S27°W. 1st Hill S32W, 2nd Hill S34·30W. 3 Hill from S35·30W to S45W distant 4 or 5 leagues

 7 am: At 7 A S14°W – B S28W to S41W. North rock N41W

 8 am: At 8 North rocks N22W 4 leagues – D S89W to S79W – North part B S2°W to S47E 4 or 5 miles – Saw a Booby & a Devil fish

10 am:D S65E 7 miles to S27E 6 miles – B, S68E

12 noon: Fresh breezes and pleasant weather Assistant in company Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast and Krout in the Pease for Dinner
   Latitude Observed 13°·27′·30″ South

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