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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 18, 1792

A Journal & Log of the Proceedings of His
Majesty's Ship, Providence, Captain
William Bligh; lying in Matavia Bay,
Otaheite, and bound to Jamaica and England

Remarks &c in Matavia Bay, Wednesday 18th July 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather hove up the small Bower and warped further to the Westward, brought up with the small Bower in 12½ fathoms water and veered away to ¼ Cable Handed sails, and run out a Kedge to the sourthward, to steady the ship – End of the reef N30°W – Point Venus N22°·30′E – The river S80°E – Tarra Heads from S11°W to S27°W – East Horn S22°:30′E – West Ditto s15°E – The high mountain west of the Horns S8°:30′E – Westermost land of Oparree S61°W – North part of Oparree reef S66°W – Extremes of the Island of Moorea from S67°W to S89°W – High Peaked Mountain S77°W – 2nd Peak S80°W

 5 am: received water per small Cuttter – Stowed the Sheet Anchor

 8 am: Weighed the Kedge and loosed the Top Sails –
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 15 feet·9 Inches Abaft 15·9

11 am: Served fresh Pork, Breadfruit &c. as usual – Many Canoes round the ship but no supply of Provisions

12 noon: Light winds in the Bay, but a fresh gale in the offing, from the eastward

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