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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 17, 1792

Remarks &c 17th April 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and dark Cloudy weather. Saluted Late Otoo (now called Bomaree) with 4 four pounders and 6 swivels – received a turn of water per Launch

 6 pm: Squally with rain – Down Top Gallant Masts. Overhauled a range of the sheet cable

12 mid: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather

 8 am: Light airs ane calms with showers of rain – Cleaned below. received a moderate supply of Pigs &c Served Pork, Bread-fruit & Cocoa-nuts to the ships company Employed getting up Casks of salt for salting Pork; and [arranging?] the Main Hold.

12 noon: Light airs and fair weather Caulkers employed at the Bends &c.

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