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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 4, 1792

Remarks &c Wednesday 4th April 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Trade and fair weather – A flying shower of rain

 3 pm: Sat up the Armourers Forge – Several Sheerwaters seen. At 4 shortened sail and hauled to the wind. Tacked ship & out Jolly boat – [?] to pick up a Hammock which had fallen over board Tacked ship, the boat returned with the Hammock. Hoisted her in and made sail. – At ½ past 6 down steering sails and in 1st reef Top Sails – Worked the Pumps as usual.

11 pm: Lightning to the Northward.

12 mid: Clear weather

 3 am: Lightning to the NE.

 5 am: Saw several Flying fish and two Tropic birds.

 6 am: Out 1 reef & set steering sails. Scrubbed Hammocks.

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast

 8 am: Moderate breezes and fine weather cleaned below. Exercised the Marines at Platoon firing – Armourer employed at the Forge – Served Borecole & Signal in the Pease for Dinner; Sour Krout & Sweet Wort as usual – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer. At 11 a squall with heavy rain, shortened some sail – ½ past made sail again.

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 23°·18′ South

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