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Revised 2010-07-12

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 1, 1792

Remarks &c towards Otaheite 1 April 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair out all reefs & set steering sails

 4 pm: Saw some Egg-birds, a Tropic Bird with a red tail and a brown Sheerwater

 7 pm: Light Airs worked the Pumps as usual – In Larboard steering sails – Moderate breezes of air.

10 pm: At 10 cloudy

12 mid: Fair weather

 2 am: Strong breezes and clear weather in steering sails & 1st reef Top Sails

 4 am: Shortened sail occasionally for ye Assistant

 5 am: Moderate breezes made all sail

 7 am: Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast

 8 am: Cleaned below, and spread the Quarter Deck Awnings. Saw two Tropic, and one Egg-bird. Captain Bligh read Prayers as usual on Sundays, to the People, after having Mustered them in Divisions – Served Krout Wort and Bore Cole in the Pease soup for Dinner

12 noon: At Noon Moderate breezes and fair. Assistant in company – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the People
   Latitude Observed 29°:01′ South

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