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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 9, 1792

Remarks &c Friday 9th March 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather set steering sails. A swell from the Westward

 4 pm: Squally with showers of rain.

 6 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather saw an Albatross and piece of rock weed – Work ye Pumps as usual Spoke the Assistant and found all well on board.

 7 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather

10 pm: Fires in all night to air the Ship.

12 mid: Moderate and fine weather

 4 am: Light breezes.

 6 am: Light airs and fair weather served the usual Breakfast. Saw Cape Hens, but few other birds. Got all wet Clothes up to dry, cleaned below, and aired with Fires

10 am: Served Krout and Sweet Wort as usual; and Borecole in the Pease for Dinner – Down steering sails – Sailmakers repairing the Fore Sail. People washing and mending their Clothes. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer.

12 noon: Light airs and fine weather Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 45°·38′ South

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