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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 20, 1792

Remarks &c in Adventure Bay, Monday 20th February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and heavy squalls

 3 pm: received the 7th turn of Wood per Launch.

 6 pm: Moderate breezes with showers – Swayed up the Lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts – Employed clearing the Decks and getting the ship ready for sea – The Wooders and Waterers returned this evening for good – This afternoon Fires were see to the northward.

12 mid: Light airs and squalls of rain

 4 am: Light breezes and clear weather

 6 am: received the 14th turn of Water per Launch – Opened a Cask of Pork. Washed and cleaned the ship fore and aft.

 9 am: received some Brooms per Launch – Loosed Sails to dry – Ships Draught of Water {Foreward Feet 15..6 Inches Abaft 16..3}

12 noon: Moderate and fair weather

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